
SinglePoint Outsourcing Forms

Making SinglePoint (SPO) and our Clients "Better Together"!

Do’s and Don’ts for a

Termination Meeting

1.  Do speak with your HR Specialist

     before planning the termination.

2.  Do not meet virtually but in person.
3.  Do plan the meeting to be brief, 

     private, with a witness present.
4.  Do explain the reason for the  

     termination truthfully and clearly;

     follow a script.
5.  Do not argue. If the employee 

     argues or makes continual requests

     for reconsideration, 

     compassionately (but firmly) tell

     them the company’s decision is

6.  Do provide information about

     continuation of health and life 

     insurance benefits.
7.  Do review the terms of any

     confidentiality agreement that the

     employee may have signed upon

8.  Do have the employee’s final

     paycheck ready on their last day.
9.  Do explain how to collect their 

     personal belongings and leave

     the premises.
10.Do not allow access to 

     data after the meeting.

Responding When An 

Employee Resigns

1.  Contact your HR Specialist.
2.  Acknowledge official receipt of

     resignation letter. (Do not require a 

3.  Express your appreciation.
4.  Gather the reasoning behind the

5.  Transfer or delegate any ongoing

      projects to another employee.
6.  Consider whether to accelerate the

      effective date of resignation.
7.  Notify other departments that will

      be affected by the resignation.
8.  Gather equipment that had been

      issued to employees.
9.  Conduct an exit interview.
10.Provide final paycheck according to

      state timelines.

​Creating and Managing Happy, Engaged Staff

Employees who quit their roles say that 50%–90% of the time, the reason they leave involves their manager. Those who stay loyal and happy at work cite recognition, a sense of achievement, and being heard and valued in their job as key factors for enduring. As a manager, how do you  make sure that you effectively involve, engage, and empower your staff?

  "Give your HR Specialist a call to talk

       about employee engagement."

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