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State of the Union Review Survey
State of the Union Review Survey
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The goals of our State of the Union meetings are to: 1) give each department leader time to share what’s happening in their department so that all team members have a company-wide understanding; 2) continue to build SPO community and increase engagement and collaboration across departments; 3) share what we see happening down the road; and 4) express wins and struggles since the last meeting. On a scale of 1-10 how are we doing on meeting these goals?
Selected Value:
If you would like to expand upon your score, please do so here.
What would you recommend we change (i.e. add, remove, revise, etc.) regarding the goals of the meeting?
Is the frequency of the meetings:
Too often
Not often enough
Just right
If you would like to expand upon your choice, please do so here.
Do you feel comfortable participating in sharing during these meetings? If not, what can we do to make sharing more comfortable?
Is there anything else you would like to add?